art and exhibitions before 2010
shared space
about the exhibition Shared Space:Verkehrsfluss by Malte Steiner at Einstellungsraum Hamburg, 5. - 27. November 2009.
about the installation Malte Steiner did during his residency at Esc Im Labor in Graz at Steirischer Herbst 2009
description of interactive installation 'Verkehrsfluss' by Malte Steiner
interactive installation which can be feed via Bluetooth.
Urban Units
external website of the ongoing collaboration with Karsten Drohsel
Elektronengehirn data glove
documentation about the data glove concert and software
Pixel & Korn
exhibition together with Hartmut Gerbsch from Dura Lux
first person spam
First Person Spam is a interactive 3D installation by Malte Steiner in which the audience can navigate through a virtual hell of spam.
Section about the ongoing collaboration between Michel Chevalier and Malte Steiner.
external page about our music software which generates sound from genetic and visual algorithms
switchmedia festival
2004 Malte Steiner and PSP, also known as Das Kombinat, took part at the Switchmedia Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand
geteilte Blick
page on the collaborative installation between Ulrich Raatz, Andreas Pflitsch and Malte Steiner, shown 2004 in Skam Hamburg
installations 2000-2003
installations before 2000
External link showing installations before 2000