Welcome to the Block 4 media lab site with pages on media art and music by Akustikkoppler, Das Kombinat, Xyramat, Notstandskomitee, TMS, codepage and Elektronengehirn.
Contact is mktsteiner AT gmail DOT com
Booking is handled through: booking AT tmkm DOT dk
Block 4 is a media lab, label and studio located in Aalborg (DK).
While many embedded media come with players from the usual suspects like Youtube, Soundcloud etc, some videos are directly hosted on block 4 in the software-patent free Ogg Therora format, viewable in Firefox or Chrom/ium browser.
Ahead lies up to 100 pages for your enjoyment and research, but there are even further outlets of block 4:
- mixcloud
- some nice, eclectic mixtapes with rare stuff and exclusive concert recordings from block 4 artists
- blog 4
- our official blog on Googles Blogger
- Youtube
- our video outlet on Youtube
- more Youtube
- our older channel on Youtube
- Facebook
- our side on Facebook
- Twitter
- Steiners account on Twitter
also consider our newsletter
the block 4 website is permanently updated to complete the documentation, here are the recent changes:
- updates:
- Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen
- codepage
- Akustikkoppler
- Notstandskomitee
- Notstandskomitee releases